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Current Laboratory Members

Laboratory Director

My research focuses on several aspects of social cognition including stereotypes, social comparison, and attention. One of my primary lines of research centers on defining and refining stereotype threat. In a related line of work, I examine ways to reduce stereotype threat. Specifically, I examine how the interplay of a collective self-construal orientation and positive ingroup comparisons can “turn off” the negative effects of stereotype threat. My research on social comparison explores how comparisons made in “traditional” and “stereotyped” contexts can lead to different outcomes on perceivers’ behavior and self-evaluations. I also investigate the role of target attributes on the outcome of social comparisons. Finally, I conduct research on how a person’s vocal characteristics capture attention and influence information processing.

David M. Marx, Ph.D.



Laboratory Director

Sei Jin Ko, Ph.D.




My research spans the topics of stereotyping and prejudice, person perception, and hierarchy. I investigate these topics via several angles, but all of my research is motivated by a common goal: To understand the nuanced variations that occur within social categories and within individuals. In my work on within-category variation in vocal cues, I investigate how stereotypic judgments are affected not only by social category membership but also by vocal cues that vary more subtly within each category. In my work on voice and hierarchy, I measure how different hierarchical roles impact changes in objective acoustical properties of speakers’ voices. Furthermore, I examine the accuracy of hierarchical inferences based on these acoustic cue changes. In my work on role models I explore characteristics of role models that enhance the academic performance and experience of underrepresented groups.  

Graduate Student


MA (Expected 2015), San Diego State University

BA (2011), Arizona State Univesity


I am generally interested in the role of group status threat in predicting negative intergroup relations and prejudice towards outgroups; in particular how status threat shapes attitudes towards restrictive political policies, (e.g., restrictive immigration policy, voter ID policy). I am also interested in the role of stereotype threat in predicting negative academic performance outcomes for traditionally underrepresented minority groups and ways in which to improve performance outcomes for these groups.

Adrian Shadaram 



Research Assistant


BS (2012), The Art Institute of San Diego


I am broadly interested in social cognition and cognitive development in children. In particular, I plan to examine Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as treatment for mood disorders in children and in the development of educational curricula on emotional intelligence from a multicultural perspective.  




Michelle Sanchez



Research Assistant


BA (2016), San Diego State University


My research interests lie primarily at the intersection of anthropology and psychology and the interplay of culture and the perception of mental health. These interests manifest specifically in seeking to understand how cultural mores and views affect and impact conceptions of mental health and the use of mental health services by those outside of the dominant culture. 

Quinn Wilson



Research Assistant


BA (2014), San Diego State University


Social identity, gender stereotypes, and attitudes 




Christina Wu



Graduate Student


MA (Expected 2015), San Diego State University

BA (2011), Ashford University


I am interested in the effects of stereotypes, mindsets, and threats to the self on perceptions and behaviors. My research focuses on stereotypes and how perceptions influence the way stereotyped individuals perform in academic settings. I also have a broad interest in mindfulness, positive psychology and interventions designed to enhance well-being.

Carolynn Howard



Graduate Student


MA (Expected 2016), San Diego State University

BS (2013), University of Wisconsin – River Falls


I am interested in the effects of stereotypes, discrimination, and threat. What are the barriers for minority group members (e.g. women, racial minorities) and what can be done to help individuals overcome them? In particular, my work focuses on way to increase women's academic success and their pursuit of careers in STEM fields.

Elise Lundequam



Principal Investigators

Former Students in Graduate Programs

2012-14              Jacob Brookfield (Post-baccalaureate student, now a Ph.D. student at UC Santa Barbara)

2011-13              Brad Weisz (Ph.D. student at the University of Connecticut)

2007-09              Patricia Gilbert (Ph.D. 2014, Tulane University)


Cooper and Bella 

Cooper and Bella 

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